Monday, February 2, 2009

Design Awfulness

Well, Blogspot is terrible. I've come to this conclusion after staring aimlessly at the horrible layout it has inflicted upon my two measly posts for the past two days. I don't ask much of it - just give me a simple, clearly put together page and I'm happy. But no, it must throw each element every which way.
In conclusion, I've moved away from my dear google to the mysterious realm of Wordpress. Join me, elusively non-existent reader, at my new location:

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Islam is the light, apparently

Two toys!? The same mother!? That poor woman! Oh, cruel world (or more specifically, Islamist propaganda toy-making machine), how could you do this to the children.
I love that this makes news, somewhere.

(Thanks, fidgit)